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My name is Justine GINESTE, I'm 25 years old. I've worked in the shoe industry for 4 years.

After a first year in saddlery, I decided to change trade because saddlery didn't matche with my expectations about hand work with leather. After this first year, I definitively moved to the field of shoemaking and shoe repairing.

After thoses 2 years of apprenticeship, I decided to go on the companions' "Tour de France" to discorver other traditional techniques to be more efficient and to meet different people.

I've learned the traditional techniques of shoemaking in my vocational training in the "Compagnons du devoir".

Working for two podo-orthesiste compagnies, I've learned both 1/ closing and lasting techniques on different lasts and 2/ bottom assembly.

I worked 8 months at Crockett and Jones factory in England in the closing room.

I'm currently working at Berluti's bespoke worshop in Paris s closer.

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